Hi there,
Now more than ever, the role and impact of entrepreneurship in our communities must be highlighted and strengthened. There are efforts across the world to make entrepreneurship a more inclusive and robust endeavor, but it is not always clear how to do this effectively and on a wider scale. One US state in particular is rising to the challenge, North Carolina. The key to their success? Emphasizing not just entrepreneurial ventures, but the importance of understanding the entrepreneurial mindset as necessary for everyone to adapt and thrive. One critical key to this state’s entrepreneurial success is the work of NC IDEA.
NC IDEA is a private foundation with the goal of empowering entrepreneurs to reach their full potential by offering support when they need it most. Their strategic combination of competitive grants and programs helps entrepreneurs at all stages of business development. As part of these important initiatives, NC IDEA has partnered with ELI with the ambitious goal of touching 100,000 North Carolinians with the entrepreneurial mindset. This partnership began in the latter half of 2018, with a private training event that December.
Since then, the partnership has grown to include over 1000 individuals across the state engaging with the entrepreneurial mindset, including almost 240 trained facilitators, college students, and budding entrepreneurs working with SBTDCs throughout the state. Some of these initiatives include:
What's more, there is increasing interest in using the course as a self-paced program for community members to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset, even if they would otherwise not have looked at entrepreneurship as an option.
Undoubtedly, there is potential for expanding the partnership throughout the state. Furthermore, there are a vast amount of resources available to make this happen regardless of where one fits into the entrepreneurial ecosystem. What we need now are committed partners to join in the goal of reaching 100,000 North Carolinians. Are you ready to join us?

Involved with a foundation or state agency looking to make an impact on your state or region? Contact ELI directly at info@elimindset.com.