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NC IDEA, a private foundation committed to supporting entrepreneurial ambition and economic empowerment, has a strong framework for bringing the power of entrepreneurial thinking to North Carolinians through the deployment of the Ice House Entrepreneurship Programs. The NC IDEA Mindset program supports educators and facilitators across the state to develop entrepreneurial mindsets in their communities. Typically, these workshops bring together people who don’t know each other and unite them around the common goal of starting a business. There’s also an online, self-paced version of the program. But the NC IDEA team had an idea: Why not bring the Ice House content to groups that are already established and incorporate it into their existing programming? 

Kate Wiggins, the former program support manager at NC IDEA, pitched that idea to the Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines, a council serving 41 counties in central and eastern North Carolina. Laura Lee Davis, Vice President of Girl Experience at Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines, immediately recognized the potential benefits. “It will do amazing things for our cookie sales—but it goes way beyond that,” Davis said. She agreed to co-produce a series of workshops to help fourth to 12th-grade girls amplify their business skills and explore pathways to innovative leadership.

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'Ice House Program teaches local students problem-solving skills, entrepreneurship'

All semester long, seventh-grade students in Erie Public Schools were identifying problems and potential solutions. They were taking part in the district’s implementation of the Ice House Program. The students presented their ideas on-stage in the auditorium and in a gallery walk in the gym, all with the goal of building skills that will keep them curious and looking for opportunities.



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Online Entrepreneurial Mindset Facilitator Training

Join us on Thursdays throughout the month of June or Mondays in November for a four-week Entrepreneurial Mindset Facilitator Certification Training that prepares participants to instill an entrepreneurial mindset in their classroom, organizations, and communities using the Ice House Entrepreneurship Programs. 



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2024 Career Education Convention

CECU’s Career Education Convention is the largest gathering of private career education professionals in North America. This event features well-known keynote speakers, experts leading concurrent sessions, and an environment to connect and network with others in the sector. Year after year, the Convention attracts a diverse audience of sector leaders from across the country. ELI is excited to be a first-time exhibitor and presenter at this event in Indianapolis alongside several other companies doing incredible work.





Cultivating Entrepreneurial Mindsets: In Classrooms, Organizations, and Communities

The world has changed in ways that now require everyone to think like an entrepreneur. After all, entrepreneurs are resilient and resourceful, creative and critical thinkers who possess the 21st-century skills the world now demands. What is an entrepreneurial mindset? Why is it important? And how can we cultivate it in ourselves and others?

  Thursday, May 30 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

Register Now






Summertime Lessons in Early Entrepreneurship

Driving through residential streets at the height of summer, you’ll often see the hallmarks of youth entrepreneurship. These could be a lemonade stand, a lawn mowing crew, a babysitter at a playground. 

For tweens and teens looking to earn extra money over the summer, these classic pursuits may not seem like anything special. But all it takes is a little reframing for them to start to realize that they’re engaged in the form of entrepreneurship. By that, we mean the self-directed pursuit of opportunities to create value for others. They’re quenching thirst, beautifying a yard, caring for someone’s beloved child.

And once they embrace this definition of entrepreneurship, we can shift their whole perception of how they’re spending their summer. They’re not “just” earning money; they’re empowering themselves. 



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